I'm receiving a few pokes in the comments field over at
Warblogger Watch. I predicted in a recent posting that the Warmongerers
would be sniggering over a
column noting that racist anti-Islamic sentiment was being perpetuated in the United States. The complaint is that I ought to have subjected myself to the arguments of the desktop warriors before I dismissed them out of hand...
Fair enough. Against my better judgement I descended into the Purgatorio anew, with neither Virgil nor Menlo to guide me. Having learned my lesson, this time I took the precaution of stripping naked
before I began.
Casting about in this nebulous, hateful netherworld, I learned that the piece did indeed raise some hackles. The most common complaint, such as with
The Corner, is that Kristof "suggests that America is just as bad." Some version of this refrain popped up in almost every objection.
My own reading is that Kristof argues Islam has no monopoly on racism, that we should examine our own prejudices before condemning those of others, and that we do ourselves no favours by radically oversimplifying a complex and historically rich religion. But this is a pissing contest to the Killbloggers, isn't it? Right vs. Wrong. Good vs. Evil. Freedom vs. Oppression. And if these defenders of the faith pronounce another major global faith to be inherently evil, well, so be it.
Interestingly, while making claims for the essential bigotry of dark-skinned others, these accomplished religious scholars make a few intemperate remarks of their own:
Andrew Sullivan:
"there is simply no equivalence between anti-Muslim bigotry in the U.S. and anti-Western and anti-Semitic terrorism in the Arab world. One bigotry mouths off (often appallingly). The other murders thousands of civilians because of their religion and culture and glories in it. "
Midwest Conservative Journal:
"So it would be better to "understand" why Islam treats women as poorly as it does? It would be more civilized to "understand" why Islamic societies have never ever treated members of other religions as civic equals? It would be more enlightened to "understand" why so many Muslims are so violent these days?"
In a mirror, dimly...:
"Islam will wear virtually any face as long as it takes to draw you into its insidious embrace. After that you'll be trapped in much the same way small animals are in carniverous plants, drawn in by the sweet smells, then digested at leisure."
"Christianity sees value in every person -- no matter what their station in life is.
There are those who claim to be Christians that are racist, violent hatemongers. They are a minority.
There are those who claim to be Muslims that are racist, violent hatemongers. They are a majority."
Quite a way to see "value in every person" -- stating that a billion or so people around the world must be "racist violent hatemongers", without bothering to justify the assertion. Very generous.
I enjoyed reading Hoystory's entry for the sheer self-contradictory fun of it. Another gem is his declaration that "the Bible is a story of God's love and redemption of humanity. The Koran is about God's venegence", though he himself later points to the "...wealth of verses available in the Old Testament where God commanded the Israelites to wipe out the inhabitants of the Promised Land."
Does this analysis deserve to be blown off as mere "sniggering"? Do such nuanced arguments merit close and attentive reading? You decide.
FYI, this time reading the Killbloggers didn't send me into a fit of psychotic dementia. But I do have an inexplicable urge to go beat up a hippie.